P.O. Box 3542, Kalispell, MT 59903
Next regular meeting, in November, will be held at a location and time to be determined. Members will be notified by e-mail and on the club website.
A regular meeting was held on September 2nd at the WRPC Pistol range with 5 officers present and one member.
Business discussed,
Gun show at the Majestic Valley Arena. We will have a table and are doing memberships, and a raffle. We will be raffling some knifes, and a rifle rest, donated by Jerry Washington. Raffle cost will be 1-$5, 3-$10 or 8-$20. Dates for the show are September 11th , 12th , and 13th . If you can help, please call Justin Beauregard at 406-799-2952.
Hunters sight-in will be held on October 3 rd – 4th , and again on October 17th – 18th . Times will be 9:00am to 4:00pm each day and the cost will be $5.00 per gun. If you can help out during this time please contact Stan Bithell at 406-890-5940.
Notice about Noise complaints from neighbors. We have been getting calls from the DNRC that a neighbor of ours says someone is shooting “exploding targets” on our range. While we not been able to find any indication of this, I want to reiterate that it is against our range rules to shoot at exploding targets on our range. If anyone sees or hears of anyone shooting exploding targets on our range, or even around the range, please contact me, leave a message and I will get back to you 406-260-0635.
Dust on Rifle Range Road. We have also gotten a request from our neighbors on Rifle Range road that when entering the range please drive slowly so as minimize dust on the road.
New Safety Signs. We have added some new safety signs to the range. Make sure everyone has been notified of your intention to go down range, and the range is safe. We also added some additional signs for range hours, 8:00am to 9:0pm or dark whichever comes first.
President Whitefish Rifle & Pistol Club
Gavin Corrigan