Whitefish Rifle and Pistol Club
May 2023 Newsletter
P.O. Box 3542, Kalispell, MT 59903
Next regular meeting, will be held on July 5, 2023 at the Rifle Range at 7:00pm
A regular meeting was held on May3, 2023 at the Rifle Range with 5 officers and 9 members present.
Kalispell Gun Show
Was successful with sales of $2,930. Sold Raffle Tickets, T-Shirts, and 36 new memberships.
Range Cleanup
On April 29, 2023 we had our annual range cleanup. Several members volunteered their time to replace back boards, cleanup the range and burn debris. Please remember to clean up after yourself and follow all range rules.
Range Improvements
The Officers of the Club are still working on getting the range improvements done. We have had a really hard time getting bids for work and still have to get approval from the DNRC. We are hoping, to do all range improvements this year. If anyone is willing to bid or know of someone to bid, please contact Justin Beauregard.
Club Phone
The club will be purchasing a new smart phone. Currently there is no way to send or receive texts, by upgrading our phone the club will now have this ability. No change in phone number.
The container has been moved to the range. The club will be purchasing some tools and supplies since we will have a secure place to store them. There will be another Range Day in order to move boards to the container. If anyone has a flatbed pickup or trailer and would like to help, please let an officer know. Will set a date soon.
*******Please Slow Down on Rifle Range Road******
.223 Pistols should be shot on Rifle Range Only
Please pickup after yourselves
If you witness safety concerns, please contact an officer.
Important Date
Hunter Site-In Days – September 30th & October 1st and 14th & 15th, 2023
June 7, 2023 Orientation will be held at 6:30 pm at the Rifle Range.
July 5, 2023 Orientation will be held at 6:30 pm with meeting to follow at 7:00 pm at the Rifle Range.
Meeting attendance is encouraged!!!